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CTAM Priority

Strengthen subscriber acquisition for pay TV, broadband, streaming and mobile by attracting 7MM+ household movers via

YTD Results

Delivered 5.1M leads and on pace to send over 7M leads to member MVPDs for the fourth consecutive year

CTAM Priority

Protect revenue by neutralizing content piracy through consumer education site

YTD Results

Achieved $1.07M industry revenue protected, yielding 1.7x ROI from visitor engagement. Impact: More traffic = increased ROI

CTAM Priority

Grow connectivity services for small-medium businesses by generating 42K qualified business customer leads via

YTD Results

Generated 30K+ SMB leads and pacing to exceed goal SEO optimization resulted in Aug. record-high leads

Through custom research, identified positioning advantages against competing SMB products for 5G, fiber, fixed wireless, and cybersecurity

CTAM Priority

Stimulate consumer content discovery by linking to title-specific programs and where-to-watch sections on consumer-facing platforms,, and by generating consumer media coverage for original programming as part of the TCA tour

YTD Results

Delivered 2.4M display impressions and 40K+ clicks to membersā€˜ TV/movie pages & streaming sites

Media coverage reached an average readership of 45M, yielding an ad equivalency value of $84.6M

CTAM Priority

Elevate leadership thinking and individual performance through executive education resources

YTD Results

Published 1500+ news stories in daily CTAM SmartBrief

Presented topics covering Gen Z, SVOD migration impact, curated AI metrics and forecasts

Onboarded nearly 300 new industry staff with popular Industry 101 course