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November 3, 2022
Business strategy, international competition and repackaging of video in an overly fragmented streaming landscape comprised a few of the thought-provoking conversations during this half-day meeting.
Featured Speakers
Felix Oberholzer-Gee
Harvard Business School
Felix Oberholzer-Gee
Andreas Andresen Professor of Business Administration
Harvard Business School
Eliminating Strategic Overload
In nearly every business segment and corner of the world economy, the most successful companies dramatically outperform their rivals. What is their secret? At a time when rapid technological change and global competition conspire to upend traditional ways of doing business, these companies pursue radically simplified strategies. At a time when many managers struggle not to drown in vast seas of projects and initiatives, discover how these businesses follow simple rules that help select the few ideas that truly make a difference.
Jeffrey Cole, Ph.D.
Center for the Digital Future at USC AnnenbergReimagining the Bundle
As pocketbook pressures mount and the increasing concern among consumers about TV entertainment becomes more costly and more complex, the repackaging of video becomes essential. Churn is expensive to fix and as intense competition at home forces a refocus on international and original content, the increasing focus on ARPU is leading to new bundling growth strategies. Gain insights on the colliding trends of “what’s old is new again” and look ahead at the intermediate future.
Travis Warren
Meta Reality Labs
Building for the Metaverse Today
Augmented Reality. Virtual Reality. The Metaverse. Discover what it all means and how it applies to your business. The next iteration of the internet will come with countless opportunities for greater connection and economic advancement for businesses and people alike. But to get there, building bridges to the metaverse starts today. Break down the emerging tech and the evolution of the Internet by seeing brands that have started to figure it out. Learn how to think about delivering cutting edge experiences to your customers in the metaverse and the economic opportunity in this future-forward conversation.
Innovation Showcase
Discover breakthrough solutions and strategies from company success stories and proven business growth case studies via an array of engaging digital materials, videos and presentations revealed at CTAM Think.
Topics include:
AI / Machine Learning | Content Management | Cybersecurity | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Global Localization | Streamer Retention
TAMI and Beacon Awards
Congratulations to our 2022 award recipients. Post a comment for them here.

The CTAM TAMI Award honors individuals for their exceptional contributions to initiatives critical to driving the continued success of the industry.

The CTAM Beacon Award spotlights distinguished communications leaders who epitomize success in their discipline, demonstrate innovation and creativity, and inspire excellence in others.
Photos from CTAM Think
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